laboratory project management Malaysia

As in other locations, it is tied to awareness of potential risks and preventative measures. Due to the potential dangers in the electrical/computer laboratory, precautions are crucial.

If an electric current of 0.1 Ampere or more travels through the head or upper chest, death is nearly certain and can be lethal for people with coronary disease. The resistance of the body, the resistance between the body and the floor, and the source voltage all influence the electric current passing through the body. If the skin is wet, the heart will become weak and the contact between the body and the floor will increase, making a voltage of 40 Volts potentially lethal.

Therefore, you should avoid taking even “modest” voltage dangers. Burns, bone fractures, sprains, and eye problems might occur when working in the laboratory. It is necessary to take precautions to avoid these injuries, including the possibility of electric shock.

Users of the laboratory must have access to a number that may be dialed for guidance in an emergency. If you have issues about safety, check with the demonstration or laboratory technician. When working in a laboratory, it is essential to be aware of the necessary safety procedures to avoid endangering yourself or others. Electric shock is the most common hazard, and it can be lethal if not avoided.

Laboratory users must be aware of the position of the following safety devices:

a. Fire Extinguishing Device

b. First aid kit

c. Emergency and telephone numbers


Electric shock is caused by electric current passing through the body. The severity is proportional to the strength of the current. A 1mA electric shock typically generates an unpleasant tingling sensation. Due to muscle spasms, electric currents above 10mA might cause muscle pain severe enough to make it impossible for the victim to remove the conductor. There is a danger of death if the heart is exposed to currents between 100mA and 200mA (50 Hz AC).

Equipment Grounding

Grounding is quite crucial. Incorrect grounding can result in mistakes, noise, and other issues. By grounding electrical devices, electric shocks can be prevented. The housing of electrical instruments and equipment is electrically insulated from the wires carrying the electric current. Isolation is achieved by insulating the power cables, as depicted in the image below.

Nevertheless, if the insulation on the cable is deformed/chipped and there is direct contact between that portion and the casing, then the casing will be in a high voltage state. If the user contacts the device, they will feel the high voltage. As demonstrated in Figure b, if the user is standing on a damp floor and touches the casing, a sufficient current will flow through it. However, if the casing is connected to the ground via a third connection (ground cable), then the casing’s current will go directly to the ground, by passing the user’s tool.

Be cautious when working on electrical projects in the laboratory. Laboratory project management Malaysia.